The Pirates of the Sea of Great Peril are a varied and colorful lot. Many fly under the colors of the Family of the Sea. There are independent operators, but no one trusts them.
The Sulduku Hierophants have many treaures (both religious and secular) in their Island home. Although many countries and kingdoms have respected the Hierophant's neutrality, there are those who do not. Pictured here are the Red Monks of Sulduku, Guardians of the Relics. Disguised from the world, wielding blades of meteoric iron, they are the last sight many a tomb robber has been graced with.
A recent unwanted development is the creation of the Haemoborgs. Warlord Scimitar Blayde of the Steel Warlords developed a biofuel conversion adaptor for his personal cyborg bodyguard corps. Unfortunately, saboteurs from the Anti-Robodroid Enclave delivered a virus that gave the Haemoborgs an insatiable thirst for blood!

Most Vanthians hunt the dinosaurs of Dino Island with a variety of rifles and lasers. The Hanta-Sealgaire Clan from the City of Thunders prefer to hunt dinosaurs only with their Martial Arts Prowess.
The reach of Darth Viraxis stretches across the face of Vanth. Pictured here is one of his servitors, Lord Oskar Steiner. From his secret giant skull shaped cliff base amongst the Seven Mile Pillars of Haragorn, he sends his Technomantic Robodroid lackeys to infiltrate the Cities of Blackhawk and Bloodhaven.