Cartoon Action Hour Season 3 Kickstarter running wild, and one of the new stretch goals is the MotU-esque
The Complete Guide to Warriors of the Cosmos (at the $12,500 level)
I wanted to share some characters I created for the
Cartoon Action Hour Season 2 version of the rules. They haven't seen the light of day since 2009 so lets crack open the packaging and dig right in!
Back to 2009....
Recently I ordered a copy of
Cartoon Action Hour Season 2 (CAH S2) from the fine folks at Spectrum Games. This new edition of their 80s cartoon roleplaying game is a great revamp. It has streamlines character creation and utilizes a make it yourself trait system that is extremely flexible.
I created a character for the new rules. The CAH S2 book comes with three ready-made cartoon series:
Transbots (
Strikeforce Freedom (
G.I. Joe), and the setting I chose,
Warriors of the Cosmos (
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe). The CAH S2 Playset
here gives you a brief background of the setting. So without further ado I give you:
Investigator Traloc
“Loyal Lizard Centaur Detective of Shadestar”
Yeah it's a Zoat. |
Quick Bio: Traloc is a member of a race of lizard centaurs known as the Xoanon. They are refugees from another dimension that settled in Iconia a century ago. The Xoanon live in small communities scattered throughout Iconia. They are usually a reclusive people, but several of the Xoanon have entered the service of the kingdoms in which they reside. They cannot be changed into goop zombies, so Nekrottus usually imprisons them or forces them to work in one of his pet projects.
Traloc’s family lived in the Kingdom of Shadestar, in a small village near the royal lands. He grew up an inquisitive child, and became renowned for his prowess at solving puzzles. As he grew older, Traloc left his village and entered the Shadestar Guard. He soon became the personal detective for the new queen, a young woman named Noblara.
When Nekrottus attacked Shadestar, Traloc helped fight, but was captured by the Blackskull Empire. He was among those sent to the Castle Suspended, a prison run by the disgraced former Shadestar Guard Captain Rezlor. A raid by the Guardians of Iconia freed Traloc and his fellow prisoners. With Noblara’s support, he offered his services to King Rastor and the people of Haven. Today Traloc uses both his brains and his brawn to fight for the freedom of Iconia.
Appearance: Traloc is a Xoanon of average height (five feet tall) and length (four feet long). His upper torso is humanoid, and his lower body is similar to a small rhino with a long tail at the end. Traloc’s scales are green, with shades of gray here and there. His face is lizard like with no nose and eyes that seem to notice everything. When at official functions he wears a blue sash with his family sigils and symbols of his deeds. He always carries a mace given to him by his father when he became a member of the Shadestar Guard.
Factoids: “Former member of the Shadestar Guard” ”Uses both brains and strength to solve cases” ”Cannot be bought” ”One of the few Xoanon who leave their villages” ”Loyal to Noblara”
Subplots: Archenemy (Captain Rezlor), Vow (To help free his people)
Traits: Xoanon Mace 4 [Enhancer +2, Accessory], Tail Slap 3 [Enhancer +2], Trample 5 [Enhancer +3, Disadvantage (Must make a running start)], Scaly Skin 2, Shadestar Guard Detective 4, Xoanon Lore 1, Stamina 3, Brawling 3, Strong 3, Inconvenient Size 2X.
Oomph 2, Threshold 10, Battle Rating 5
Okay, you got me. Investigator Traloc is a Zoat. I just had to do that. Once you have a general idea of what you want, character creation is pretty easy. It does have some of the same daunting nature of a “make your own trait” system. It emulates the chosen genre well, and that is always a plus.
Captain Vix Rezlor
“Jailer of the Blackskull Empire”
Captain Vix Rezlor played by American Flagg by Howard Chaykin |
Quick Bio: Vix Rezlor was one of the most decorated members of the Shadestar Guard. The youngest person ever to hold the rank of Captain, he built the Guard under his command into a force to be reckoned with. Vix was well considered by Queen Noblara herself, and was in love with her. His only flaw was a prejudice against non-humanoids. It was slight at first, but soon it grew in intensity.
This began to color Vix’s interactions with both the Shadestar Guard and the people he protected. Seeds of resentment grew when his efforts to “streamline and improve” the Guard were blocked by concerned parties. Vix’s frustration grew to a boiling point. The final straw was the placing of Traloc, a Xoanon guardsman, as Noblara’s personal detective. In his mind Shadestar and Noblara betrayed him, giving something that belonged to him to someone that was beneath him.
When the Blackskull Empire invaded Shadestar, Vix offered his services to Nekrottus. The knowledge that he provided was a great factor in the fall of Shadestar. As a reward, Nekrottus has made Vix Rezlor the main Jailer of the Blackskull Empire. The only blot on his record is the fall of the Castle Suspended, his greatest jail. This is just one more reason for Vix to finish Traloc off once and for all.
Appearance: Vix Rezlor is a handsome dark haired man with an air of confidence about him. He usually dresses all in black with his silver Chain Gun at his side. The Chain Gun looks like an average laser, but it shoots out force chains which can be used to bind or trip Captain Rezlor’s opponents.
Factoids: “Dislikes non-humanoids” ”One of the Betrayers of Shadestar” ”Efficient commander of men” ”Clever designer of jails” ”Loyal to Nekrottus”
Subplots: Archenemy (Traloc), Mental Hang-Up (Prejudiced against Non-Humanoids)
Traits: Jailer 4, Loyalty 3, Tactical Genius 4, Handsome 3, Agile 3, Sword 4 [Enhancer +2, Accessory], Chain Gun 6 [Enhancer +3, Snare, Advantage (Can only be used by Captain Rezlor), Accessory], Former Shadestar Guard Captain 3, By the Book 1x, Competitive 1x
Threshold 10, Battle Rating 6
Note: Captain Rezlor’s prejudice comes into play in the 80s cartoon style. He is polite to everyone he meets accepts non-humanoids (anything that looks too different from humans). To them he has a condescending and short manner. His prejudice also leads Captain Rezlor to underestimate non-humanoids, which can lead to his defeat. Nekrottus knows of his prejudice and usually has him work with henchmen like Shadow Queen, Gatlyna, and Eye-Catcher.
Bonus #1: Rezlor’s Prison Guards
The prison guards of the Blackskull Empire are trained to keep their charges in Nekrottus’ jails. They have a tendency to work better with Nekrottus’ minions than the ordinary guards.
Battle Rating: 1
Goon Modifiers: Ensnare, Natural Born Followers
Bonus #2: A New Vehicle!
Kaptur Karavan
Description: This massive treaded battlewagon was designed to transport dangerous prisoners throughout the Blackskull Empire. The massive claws on the side can grab unwary Guardians and place them in a holding zone. The zone has a field that freezes the prisoner!
Traits: Massive Hull 7, Prisoner Area 5, All Terrain Treads 5, Stun Blasts 8 [Enhancer +4], Side Claws 6 [Enhancer +3, Snare, Area, Situational Setback-2 (When the Karavan takes two Setback Tokens)], Slow 1x, Hard to Repair 2x, Freeze Field 6 [Enhancer +3, Snare, Disadvantage (Only Works on Prisoners in Prison Area), Fickle]
Subplots: none